Further Reading
This selection of books will help to further inform the reader about the material presented in this blog, as well as increasing knowledge and awareness about South Africa’s flora. It will also help to provide further information about biodiversity, plant ecology and conservation of our internationally renowned and imperilled ecosystems. Some of the material is aimed at those with some background knowledge in the field, other publications are written to be accessible to a wider audience.
Dallman, P.R. (1998) Plant Life in the World’s Mediterranean Climates: California, Chile, South Africa, Australia and the Mediterranean Basin, University of California Press.
Dorrat-Haaksma, E & Linder, H.P (2012) Restios of the Fynbos, Struik Nature, Cape Town, South Africa
Esler, K.J. Milton, S.J. Dean, W.R.J. (Eds) (2010) Karoo Veld: Ecology and Management, Briza Publications, Pretoria, South Africa
Esler, K.J. Pierce, S.M. de Villiers, C (2014) Fynbos: Ecology and Management, Briza Publications, Pretoria, South Africa
Falk, D.A. Millar, C.I. & Olwell, M (Ed.) Restoring diversity: Strategies for reintroduction of endangered plants, Island Press, Washington
Fraser, M & McMahon, L (1994) Between Two Shores: Flora & Fauna of the Cape of Good Hope, David Phillip Publishers, Claremont, South Africa (Out of Print)
The Friends of Rondebosch Common, Illustrations by Betty Dwight (2008) Rondebosch Common, Published by Sibanye Print Solutions, Cape Town.
Guerrant, E.O. Havens, K & Maunder, M (Ed.) (2004) Ex-situ Plant Conservation: Supporting plant conservation in the wild, Island Press, Washington
Hamilton, A & Hamilton, P (2006) Plant Conservation: An ecosystem approach, Earthscan, London, UK
Jepson, P & Ladle, R (2010) Conservation: A Beginner’s Guide, OneWorld Publications, Glasgow, UK
Johnson, S & Bytebier, B (2015) Orchids of South Africa: A Field Guide, Struik Nature, Cape Town, South Africa
Oliver, T & Oliver I (2000) Ericas of the Cape Peninsula, Protea Atlas Project, National Botanical Institute, Cape Town
Manning, J (2007) Field Guide to Fynbos, Struik Nature, Cape Town, South Africa
Manning, J. Goldblatt, P. Snijman, D (2002) The Colour Encyclopaedia of Cape Bulbs, Timber Press, Portland, Cambridge
Marinelli, J (2004) Plant, Dorling Kindersley Ltd, London, UK
Mucina, L & Rutherford, M.C (Eds.) (2006) The Vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland, Strelitzia 19, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, South Africa
Pauw, A & Johnson, S (2002) Table Mountain: A Natural History, Fernwood Press, Vlaeberg, South Africa
Raimondo, D. Grieve, K. Helme, N. Koopman, R & Ebrahim, I (2013) Plants in Peril: 100 of South Africa’s highly threatened plant species and the people protecting them, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, South Africa
Rebelo, T with illustrations by Cora Jardine (2000) Proteas of the Cape Peninsula, Protea Atlas Project, National Botanical Institute, Cape Town
Rourke, J.P (1982) The Proteas of Southern Africa, Centaur Publishers, Johannesburg (Out of Print)
Slingsby, P. Johns, A (2009) T.P. Stokoe: The Man, the Myths and the Flowers, Baardskeerder, Muizenberg, Cape Town
Venter, E (2011) Trees of the Garden Route: Mossel Bay to Storms River, Tien Wah Press, Singapore
In addition to the above publications, joining the South African Botanical Society entitles members to receiving their quarterly journal Veld & Flora, which contains a range of excellent articles. The South African Botanical Society also publish a range of wildflower guides to the vegetation of most parts of South Africa, which are invaluable for plant identification in the field and a worthwhile investment.
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